A Note from Hope, publisher, InkandescentWomen.com: I am thrilled to introduce you to Kimberly Mitchell, a powerhouse of a woman who I met when we both attempted to master the positive psychology program at Claremont Graduate University in the fall of 2019. What we learned is more than we can say — including that that program was not our program.
“But it was worth a try,” insists Kim, mom to two truly amazing girls — and of course her dog, the beloved Bubba. And I couldn’t agree more. You just never know who you are going to meet on your journey, and how those Truly Amazing Women are going to leave a footprint on your life.

The Bubba
Indeed, Kim and I shared a townhouse with two other Truly Amazing 20somethings: Raven Johnson, 23, a LA native and numbers genius and will receive her masters in Math in 2021; and Veronica Scott, 24, another certifiable genius getting her PhD in organizational behavior. Oh, the Places You’ll go!
Kim and I learned so much for these fabulous Millennials, and I believe the story we are telling today wouldn’t be complete without a nod to what makes who we are, and what helps us choose our next steps.
For Truly Amazing Kimberly Mitchell, it’s Allora Translations — a company she founded in 2020 during the Pandemic that has changed the world. As a single mom of two truly amazing daughters, her courage is that of so many women who are on the front lines. Not only are these brave souls managing trying to educate their children from home, they are trying to make a living as they look toward What’s Next.
So now, I introduce you to Kim, and her savvy, sexy, sophisticated services that bring Italy to America!

Learn more: alloratranslations.com
What’s Next: Allora Translations
Allora (which means so, then, well) is one of those filler words that’s highly useful when thinking of what to say in Italian. It buys you a little time and tells the listener you’re thinking things over, especially when used by itself, or to introduce a sentence. Used by itself, it can express impatience: Allora!”
And buying a little time is essential at the moment, when the world is waiting to see What’s Next.

Kim’s Truly Amazing Daughters — powerhouses in the making!
For me, I couldn’t wait a minute longer. Since the fall of 2019, I’ve been the single mom of two gorgeous daughters here in Long Beach, CA. As I pondered What’s Next for me, I kept coming back to my dream as a 12-year-old Italian-American girl of living the heritage I was born into.
For decades, it has been my dream to translate for the European Union. So why not aim for that — and help international companies accomplish their goals at the same time?
The beauty of the Italian language, its ancient culture — it takes my breath away. I want to live it however I can, even from Long Beach, CA.
Of course, it took me 26 years to realize that I should never let go of my dreams. So to you I say: Non è mai troppo tardi.
You know that thing about regret: It’s never too late! Ci vediamo presto.