Feb. 23, 2021: A Note from Tracy Schott, host, Voices4Change Radio Show — Today, we welcome the show Nanette Chezum, a survivor of a verbally and psychologically abusive relationship with a law enforcement officer.
In the years since Nanette has made it her life’s work to educate the public about intimate partner abuse through her personal story. Her expertise includes all forms of domestic abuse — especially the early warning signals that sometimes manifest in a new relationship.
An avid writer, Nanette pens blogs on her website and has created a Facebook community page, Courage Corner: Domestic Abuse Awareness. Topics include:
- verbal and psychological tactics used by abusive personalities
- self-care tips, unhealthy behavior
- empowerment and healing
- speaking up about intimate partner abuse and shaming
- blaming tactics used by society and offenders
Nanette is a nationally-recognized speaker and an active volunteer with various Colorado-based and national non-profits that educate about domestic abuse, promote healthy relationships and empower survivors to heal, thrive, and live their best lives.
On today’s episode of the Voices4Change Radio Show, Tracy will ask Nanette:
- What do you hope law enforcement will learn from your platform?
- What do survivors of OIDV desire the most?
- How does OIDV tie in with police brutality issues?
Learn more at nanettechezum.com