
Meet Horse Whisperer Suzanne Sears — and discover how her horses can help you heal

A Note from Hope: I had the privilege of meeting Suzanne Sears during the Martha Beck Wayfinder life coach training program. I immediately felt a connection, and only after we did a “coach-the-coach” practice session for class did I learn that Suzanne’s superpower is her ability to communicate with horses.

If that’s not enough, she’s taken that gift to new heights by being trained as an equine healer and gestalt coach. Suzanne is determine to share her magic to help others heal. Soon after our initial chat, I had the privilege of spending a night on her magnificent Horse Feathers Ranch in Las Vegas. This beautiful 5-acre property is home to dozens of horses, as well as her enchanting equine healing program.

If horses “speak” to you, too, you’ll want to know Suzanne. Scroll down to learn more! 

Oh, Horse Feathers!

By Suzanne Sears

I love people. Always have. I see their beauty, I feel their pain. I love their diversity. I celebrate our similarities. I have a gift for accepting them where they are and I am not easily shocked. And for decades, people have voluntarily opened their hearts and bared their souls to me. This “gift” has led to some very interesting conversations in unusual circumstances. I kept thinking, now what do I do with this story? I am being given a precious gift of trust, how do I honor the person and create healing.

Enter the horses. My daughter Enya was born a horse person. (There are many in my family so I recognize them when I meet them). I dutifully brought her out to ride these beautiful creatures — but I kept having the feeling that they were saying and doing much more than trotting around the arena preforming downward transitions and side passes.

Here’s what I know: Horses carry with them an energy so magical and full of mystery, and when they look at me with their soul-piercing eyes and I wonder — what do they see that I am missing? I would go home at night puzzled and obsessed. What are they saying? What are they doing?!?!?! Who are they?!?!

That led me down a deeply spiritual and expansive soul reconstruction. I was immediately drawn to Melisa Pearce and Anna Twinney’s program based on their book, Move Toward Love. I thought I was attending to learn horsemanship skills and the language of horses. What a surprise for me when I saw Melisa and her horses working magic together to create the opportunity for people to finish their unfinished business and of bringing wholeness to their lives! I felt it in every cell of my body! Had I truly found it: My life’s mission, my  passion, my blend of strengths and loves? Yes. And well, not quite yet. Two years later, a time filled with lots of tears and tons of personal work, a door opened for me to embark on a new grand adventure.

Today: I am leading my herd on a mission to clear out the unnecessary baggage and welcome our true materpeices! This is why I am a EGCM coach. I love stepping into peoples lives to discover their truth and experiencing it with them. Moving and shifting the energy to bring about lasting change and conscious co-creation. That’s the purpose for Horse Feathers Ranch. I look forward to connecting with you, and seeing how my life’s work can help you find yours. Love, Suzanne

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