
The Kabbalah Center’s Monica Berg: On Peace and War

October 9, 2023: A Note from Monica Berg, The Kabbalah Center — The senseless acts of violence that unfolded over the past weekend in Israel have left our hearts heavy with grief. It is difficult to put into words the deep sorrow we feel as we learn about the precious lives lost and the harrowing reality that this number continues to rise. The weight of this tragedy is unfathomable, especially when we consider the families and innocent children who have been caught in the midst of this turmoil.

Our hearts are intertwined with theirs as we share in their pain. We ache for the families whose homes have been shattered, for the lives that have been tragically cut short, and for those whose lives will forever bear the scars of this devastating moment in history.

As a global community, it is essential that we come together to support one another during these trying times. Let us remember the strength of unity, compassion, and empathy. It is so easy to feel helpless in times like these, and yet we know from our spiritual teachings that there is always something we can do. Here are a few ways we can bring the Light to bear upon the darkness during this time.

  1. Feel the pain of others. There is a teaching that says when a person takes part in experiencing the pain of others, they merit to see the consolation and the redemption. Our eyes are so limited in what they can see. They see only the physical. But when we make it an integral part of our spiritual work to feel the pain of others, it purifies our eyes to be able to see the truth. It is so important that when witnessing such atrocities, to not turn a blind eye but to actively feel the pain of all that is occurring. It elevates us and elevates the world as a result.
  2. Awaken love for one another. The Zohar teaches that the purpose of this world, the purpose of humanity, and the purpose of spirituality are all one and the same: To awaken love amongst people. This is a time for us all to awaken extreme love in our own lives and to understand that the love we awaken actually permeates the world and creates positive change. Care more for the person standing next to you. Check in on those you are close to. Build bridges where once there were walls. For now is the time to awaken as much love as we possibly can in this world. Our founder and teacher, Karen Berg, once said, “The only thing that will end hatred for no reason is love for no reason.”
  3. Strengthen your use of the spiritual tools. It is always important, of course, to use the spiritual tools, whether it be through prayer, meditation, studying the Zohar, or sharing with others – but difficult times necessitate a strengthening of our use of the spiritual tools. Not only to increase how often we utilize them but, more importantly, to increase the consciousness we invest in them. When someone invests only 60% of their energy during the use of a spiritual tool, it reveals a limited amount of Light, but when we invest 100% of ourselves, our effort, and our emotions into a spiritual action, the amount of Light that can be revealed from that action is limitless. We must perform spiritual actions with great fervor during this time, with a new level of intensity and certainty in the power of the spiritual tools.
  4. Participate in a global Zohar Reading. We know that the Zohar is not only the source of our teachings and our wisdom, but it is also a powerful tool which can bring the Light to bear. We will hold a global Zohar reading tomorrow, October 10, 2023, at 12:00 pm ET. We ask all students who are able to please join us to send as much energy as possible during this time. We’ll be reading from the Balak Zohar volume; if you have this, please have it handy. If you don’t have it, you can read from the Balak volume on our Zohar website,, here. To join us for this powerful reading online, click here
  5. Participate in the 24-Hour Zohar Reading. We will also be holding a 24-hour Zohar reading with teachers, students, and Centres across the world coming together in unity to scan the Zohar and send Light for a full 24-hour window. If you are interested in participating in this, you can join here.
  6. Facilitate the distribution of Zohars. Our students and teachers in Israel are distributing thousands of Zohars. If you would like to help support them, please contact
  7. Find more ways to help. If you are interested in assisting in other ways, such as helping the physical needs of those in Israel at this time, please contact for more information on how you can help.

Our consciousness matters. The love we awaken for each other matters. There is always an action we can take that will bring the Light to bear. May we remember this during these times, as our combined actions and intensified efforts create a ripple effect that reveals Light for the whole world.

Click here to learn more about Monica and the Kabbalah Center.