In the spectacular film, “The Woman Who Loves Giraffes,” we meet Dr. Anne Innis Dagg as she re-traces the steps of her groundbreaking 1956 journey to South Africa to study giraffes in the wild. There, she discovers a startling contrast between the world of giraffes she once knew and the one it has become. Weaving through the past and present, her harrowing journey gives us an intimate look into the factors that destroyed her career and the forces that brought her back.
I first saw this film over the holidays at Laemmle, an independent theater in Claremont, CA and remember not wanting to leave my seat after the credits ran. In only 83 minutes, I had the privilege of witnessing the life of a woman so brave, so smart, so wise; no matter what came her way—from the death of her husband on the court of their weekly tennis match, not getting tenure and leaving her beloved academic position—she never let go of what she knew was right.
Decades later, I am not alone in believing that Dr. Dagg stands as a role model for all women. Many audience members around me were also wiping away tears of joy at the end of this film. I believe they, too, felt a sense of sisterly pride for the battle she fought so well. I decided then to encourage everyone I knew to experience this beautiful documentary.
So in the May 2020 issue of Inkandescent Women magazine
As you dig into Dr. Dagg’s story of giraffes, Africa, science, and how academia treated women of her era, you’ll experience a journey that has even more relevance on this first day of May. As the world battles the impact of Corona-19, we are learning what “The Woman Who Loves Giraffes” has been trying to tell us for decades: We are all connected—and we must work in unison to protect our world.
Check it out: Click here to find where you can see the film virtually, or purchase a copy to watch again and again.
And click here to learn more about the film’s amazing director and producer, Alison Reid, a stunt woman turned documentary filmmaker. You’ll lern about the five-year journey she took with Dr. Daag, and what’s up next for this truly amazing woman.
That’s not all! In this “Educating Women” issue, you’ll meet an array of other Truly Amazing Women who make us love to learn. Scroll down to learn more about the documentary from director Alison Reid, and from the comfort of your home, rent or buy this amazing movie that I hope will make as positive an impact on you as it did on me. Be sure to visit the environmental agencies that Dr. Dagg supports, also below.
Wishing you health, wellness, and safety as we all ride the wave of the coronavirus. — Hope Katz Gibbs, publisher,