Hope Katz Gibbs, president & founder, Inkandescent™ Inc.

Hope Katz Gibbs is the president of Inkandescent™ Inc., a national PR firm and publishing company that this long-time journalist founded in 2008. With the goal of helping entrepreneurs supersize their small businesses, Hope and her team of 10 publish online magazines (including InkandescentWomen.com and BeInkandescent Health & Wellness: BeInkandescent.com), produce dozens of podcast shows on InkandescentRadio.com, and film, direct, and produce videos featured on Inkandescent.tv.
In 2020: Hope began supersizing her own small business by featuring live and recorded classes through her popular portals by teachers and coaches located around the U.S. Not only do these professionals get a website with her sites, an interview that posts on Inkandescent’s radio and TV channels, they also have access to incredibly affordable PR packages (starting at $100/month) to promote their work. Best of all, they become part of a national community of entrepreneurs who work together to build each other’s brands. With that mission in mind, Hope also launched an online store to showcase and sell the work of the truly amazing women in her network who create gorgeous handmade goodies: InkandescentShop.com.
What’s Next? In 2021 Hope will launch Inkandescent Kids magazine and provide the opportunity for more women to publish their own books through InkandescentPublishing.com. Hope’s books include PR Rules: The Playbook — an entrepreneur’s guide to supersizing your small business using the 8 Steps to PR Success™, and her newest tome, Why Divorce: 5 Reasons to Leave.
Learn more about this entrepreneur with a passion for communicating through her online portfolio: www.Powered-by-Hope.com.
Would you like to become part of the Inkandescent™ family? Contact Hope via email.