
Intuitive Guide Eliel Fionn

Who she is: An Intuitive Guide based in Oregon, Eliel Fionn uses the powers of all of her senses to provide down-to-earth insights to her clients.

What she does: Even as a child, instead of trying to get information, I’ve always had to try to keep information out. I have an intense kind of synesthesia where all of my senses are connected. “I often work with people on the energy aspects of the things they’re trying to accomplish, she explains. “For example, for clients who need a business loan, I help them so that they can walk into a lender’s office with energy, looking confident, and conveying, ‘I want to do this,’ instead of, ‘I’m desperate, please give me money.’”

Why she does it: “I hear from people when they are going through huge transitions in their life—loss of job or relationship, or moving, or all of those simultaneously. They find it validating to hear they are working on something major and it’s soul-deep, even though it may be incredibly painful. It’s especially helpful if I can give them a timeline and say, You will get through it!’”


By Kathleen McCarthy
Senior Editor
Be Inkandescent magazine

Are you struggling to grow your business, or start one? Entrepreneurs open to nontraditional possibilities might want to talk with Eliel Fionn.

An Intuitive Guide based in Oregon, Fionn uses the powers of all of her senses to provide down-to-earth insights to her clients.

“[Many small-business owners] think that if they ‘follow their bliss,’ everything will work out and they’ll have overnight success—and that’s just not realistic,” says Fionn, who has provided intuitive consultations for more than 20 years. “Word-of-mouth is how lots of small businesses grow, and that takes time, and a lot of follow-through.”

Considered a “soul psychic” by some, Fionn’s clients simply know that she is tapping into a realm of knowing that they can’t quite access. For $110 per hour-long phone session, Fionn provides a unique perspective on a person’s life, career, family, relationships, and future opportunities.

Skeptical? Fionn understands why.

“We need our skepticism and our left brain to analyze stuff,” she realizes. “But we also need the hope, optimism, and intuitive forces to help propel ourselves forward if we’re having a hard time. The logical person says, ‘How can you know about me and my life by just talking to me for an hour on the phone? That doesn’t make any sense.’ The Intuitive says, ‘Who cares—it works!’”

Her large following of clients—including business-owners, lawyers, doctors, scientists, and people in the military—agree.

Following is our Q&A with the Intuitive Guide. We think it will shed some light on her amazing abilities, which just may help you take your business to the next level.

Be Inkandescent: Have you always known that you have intuitive abilities?

Eliel Fionn: Even as a child, instead of trying to get information, I’ve always had to try to keep information out. I have an intense kind of synesthesia where all of my senses are connected.

When I was a kid, I would see people’s energy and didn’t know at first that most other people didn’t. But sometimes when people spoke, their energy didn’t match what they were saying, which was confusing. I had to learn to pay attention to what other people were paying attention to.

I had a moment of sudden awareness in my 20s, and for a long time, I had to turn all the input down. Then one weekend I turned everything on, and I learned how to integrate it and manage myself and be appropriate with it.

When I do a reading with someone, I just try to make a connection. I let go of the left-brain, rational side to let the information in, and then I use the left brain to organize and translate the information I get for my client.

I don’t “turn it on” when I meet someone; I wait till they ask. For me, the information about them is available—what their past is like, what they majored in, what they’re staying with that they should let go of. My husband jokes that I have “cosmic Google“—I just look stuff up.

Be Inkandescent: How do you help people struggling to get their business off the ground?

Eliel Fionn: I often work with people on the energy aspects of the things they’re trying to accomplish. For example, for clients who need a business loan, I help them so that they can walk into a lender’s office with energy, looking confident, and conveying, “I want to do this,” instead of, “I’m desperate, please give me money.”

It’s painful for some of my clients to hear, but their attitude and presentation affect the outcome of things.

I had a client who ran a large successful business, but she was bored with it and wanted to sell it. Well, she said she wanted to sell it, but because she found the business boring, she didn’t present it in a particularly positive way to potential buyers. I asked her, “What’s the energy around your presentation and perspective? It is a really good business and makes a lot of money in a down economy!” Once she changed her perspective, the business sold quickly.

A lot of people contact me with relationship problems, which is relevant to business issues because business is about relationships. Often, my clients’ work problems are with a colleague or client. I ask these clients about their past relationships and see how those patterns might be similar to the ones they have at work.

Women especially can get wrapped up in emotion and want harmony even when it isn’t possible in some professional relationships. These clients find it relieving when I remind them that they can only work on themselves and what they bring to the relationship.

Be Inkandescent: Can you describe what your typical client is like, and are there any types of clients you don’t care to work with?

Eliel Fionn: I don’t really have a typical client, but I have observed a big difference between the women and men I consult with on business issues. Women tend to give up faster, and they take failure personally. They interpret a setback as, “There’s a flaw in the business, and it’s me.” Men will just say, “Well, that didn’t work. I’ll try something else.” But once women see that they have power and can do what they need to, it’s very exciting to see their confidence build. And I can do something about that.

Another difference I often see between my male and female clients is that the guys don’t care if I’m incredibly blunt. Businessmen are particularly impervious to criticism. It’s fun once in a while to have a woman client say, “I can tell you’re soft-pedaling around something—just tell me straight.”

The main type of client I don’t want to work with is one who calls and says of their business, “I’ve tried everything and nothing works.” Their consultation with me probably won’t work either. People who make those kind of sweeping, negative generalizations usually don’t want to take responsibility for things.

Be Inkandescent: Is it ever a burden to give people advice that will change their lives and wonder if they will regret following it?

Eliel Fionn: Once or twice a year, I hear from clients who say, “All the stuff you told me not to do? You were right; it didn’t work.” Those calls are a reminder to me that just because people ask me for advice and pay for my time, it doesn’t mean they’ll take my advice.

But it’s not a burden to give people advice. I’ve found that most people call me for validation of what they already know, either consciously or subconsciously. Rarely does a client say, “I never thought of that.” Some do say, “Oh darn. I knew it, but I hadn’t put it into words.” Particularly with relationship issues, I rarely surprise anyone.

Be Inkandescent: Can you predict the future?

Eliel Fionn: The future is flexible, and we all have the ability to influence it. Clients often want to know a time period—“how long before I meet somebody,” they ask me. It’s up to them, but most people don’t want to hear that.

For example, one of my clients wanted to find a mate but didn’t want to leave her house. I had to tell her, “It will take longer if you make no effort.”

Some people are so busy looking ahead that they’re spacing out about the present. Part of what I do is help my clients work on what they can do about what’s going on in their lives now.

Be Inkandescent: What suggestions do you have for people considering consulting an Intuitive?

Eliel Fionn: Some of the steps are the same ones you would take when hiring any type of consultant.

  • Evaluate the Intuitive’s professionalism. Most Intuitives are small-business owners themselves, so pay attention to how they run their business—do they call you back promptly? Are they pleasant and professional on the phone, or abrupt and rude? If you don’t like the way they run their business, you’re not going to want to take their advice on the way you should run your business.
  • Know why you’re calling. The more specific the question, the more specific I can get in terms of the answer.
  • Have a little skepticism. Trust your gut—pay attention to whether what the Intuitive says resonates with you. We’re human, we screw up, we can be biased.
  • Be wary of Intuitives who tell you absolutes about your future. I hear from some lonely people who tell me they consulted with an Intuitive who told them they would never meet someone. That’s just bull—and it’s cruel. I try not to make inaccurate, large-scale, generalizations since people can make big changes in their lives and affect their future.
  • It’s not so much the technique; it’s the person. If you don’t feel a rapport with me while we’re talking on the phone, it’s probably not going to work.

Be Inkandescent: Is there an ethical code of conduct for Intuitives, or typical protocols that you follow in your practice?

My role as an Intuitive is to ask you what you need, and to remind you that there are lots of options, and that the traditional path is not what’s best for everyone.

I try to be as respectful as possible. I have clients who have been molested and treated badly in other ways, and I want to be sure my consultations with them are positive.

I’m also very careful about what I divulge. If someone asks, “Have I been molested?” I will tell them, but I will not bring that up if they don’t ask. Some people really can’t handle bad news. Denial is protective; that’s why there’s a lot of it.

On the other hand, sometimes they won’t let themselves believe the good stuff. Open up your arms and let it in!

Here are some things I don’t do:

  • I’m not willing to pry. If people say they want a reading, but they’re not open, I back off. Some people can be saying “Yes,” but their energy says, “Don’t even.” I usually say to them, “I notice you have a lot of boundaries, and I’m going to ask for specific permission to open them.” And they usually say, “Oh, you noticed!”
  • I don’t look at people without their permission. When someone tells me, “I want to know about my relationship with my husband,” I will look at her and the space between them, but I won’t look at the spouse without his permission.
  • I don’t find missing wallets. And I’m not going to find people who are lost but don’t want to be found.
  • I’m not a medical intuitive, so I don’t diagnose or treat illness.
  • I’m not a therapist. Some people are embarrassed to call a therapist and try to substitute a consultation with an Intuitive. I refer those people to mental health professionals. I’ve taken enough counseling classes to know when it’s about something else.

Be Inkandescent: What’s the best part of your job?

Eliel Fionn: I hear from people when they are going through huge transitions in their life—loss of job or relationship, or moving, or all of those simultaneously. They find it validating to hear they are working on something major and it’s soul-deep, even though it may be incredibly painful. It’s especially helpful if I can give them a timeline and say, “You will get through it!”

I had a client who was devastated that her husband was divorcing her after 25 years of marriage and two children. It was such a pleasure to tell her, “This is the best thing that is ever going to happen to you.” Sometimes people are in something for so long that they don’t realize how bad it is because it’s familiar. Once they make that jarring wrench, it’s freeing and amazing.

The best part of my work is seeing how much people can grow and transform their lives. I wish sometimes I could take “before,” “during,” and “after” photos to show my clients how far they have come. My work is never boring. Never.

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