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Listen to the podcast on Inkandescent Radio How to mindfully navigate feminine wounding and repair intimate relationships with boundary setting and conscious communication

An international clinical psychologist, educator, facilitator, and social innovator, Sadaf empowers women to listen to their inner voice, reclaim their confidence, and make mindful decisions that facilitate their wellbeing. Learn all about it on today's podcast!


Heal the sacred feminine through mindfulness with the assistance of international psychologist Dr. Sadaf Lotfalian

A Note from psychotherapist Kara Kihm, host, Discovering My Wings Show on the Inkandescent Radio Network — Hello, and welcome to today’s episode of Discovering My Wings. As you know, I’m the author of the book about how my life profoundly transformed when I began listening to my intuition. This show is designed to help you do the same.

Today’s guestSadaf “Cici” Lotfalian, Ph.D., an International Clinical Psychologist, Educator, Facilitator, and Social Innovator

Our topic: How to mindfully navigate feminine wounding and repair intimate relationships with boundary setting and conscious communication.

We discuss: 

  • women’s mental health
  • empowerment in a world where a sense of internalized patriarchy
  • feminine oppression
  • the dominance of toxic masculinity

Kara’s sponsor: The School of Serenity on 4M TV USA, a multi-language initiative with a focus on mental health. Its motto: Practice mindfulness beyond borders. Click here to learn more!

Stream the podcast now on Kara’s radio channel:, and please visit Kara’s YouTube channel to watch this and her other video interviews sponsored by The School of Serenity at

About Sadaf: An international clinical psychologist, educator, facilitator, and social innovator, Sadaf empowers women to listen to their inner voice, reclaim their confidence, and make mindful decisions that facilitate their wellbeing. She co-facilitates her workshops with collaborators in her private practice, as well as in women’s circles and through mentorship. “I come to this work as a scientist, but one who has felt the profound transformation that comes from bridging the head and the heart and rewriting our stories in a way that acknowledges suffering and centers regeneration. Our work together will honor your path and your innate wisdom within a therapeutic approach that connects objective and ancient wisdom.” Learn more at