
Your What’s Next Journal: Making Miracles — Mind, Body, Spirit, Soul, and Heart

November-December 2021: A Note from Hope Katz Gibbs, publisher, Inkandescent Women magazine, and Cynthia de Lorenzi, founder, Success in the City, and co-author, Your What’s Next Journal How comforting it is to end the year with a sense of relief. Yes, the world is still struggling with a devastating pandemic. Yes, we continue to reel from a caustic presidential election. And yes, we are all working to discover the new normal.

So what a blessing it is to look back on all that we’ve been through these last few years. Please pat ourselves on the back for making it through — and knowing in our hearts that a new year awaits, one filled with infinite possibilities!

With that goal in mind, we hope to shine a little light on your life by releasing our newest Inkandescent™ Publishing book: Your What’s Next Journal.

  • Filled with insights from 12 industry leaders about what they see coming in their businesses and lives, our goal is to help you flip through the months of the year with their guidance and support.
  • Each month’s chapter also features interactive prompts to help you focus and center your:
    • Mind: Writing prompts to help you think through your big ideas
    • Body: A series of simple but effective exercises to help you make better friends with your body
    • Spirit: A monthly set of affirmations to help you start each day with a positive attitude
    • Soul: Art projects by Cynthia to connect you with your creative genius
    • Heart: Ways to help you open your heart — to yourself, and others

Our goal is to help you fill the pages with your powerful thoughts and creative representations that will help you go deeper into your psyche and truly create the life of your dreams.

Scroll down to find our Table of Contents to discover who we’ll be featuring in Your What’s Next Journal. Here’s to your incredible, indelible, Inkandescent future!

Table of Contents: Your What’s Next Journal

January — Happy New Year: To Your Good Health: Dr. Caryn Iverson: What’s Next in the Pandemic?

February — Spread the Love: What do you want for yourself? Lovern Gordon, creator of Love Life Now Foundation: What’s Next in Self-Love

March —Women’s History Month: NASA’s Linda Cureton: What’s Next for Women Around the World?

April — Tax Time: The perfect time to make peace with money: Rita Cheng, CFP®: What’s Next in Finance for Women?

May —Mental Health Month: Dr. Gayani DeSilva, child psychiatrist and author: What’s Next for Kids?

June —National Safety Month: Cyber-security expert Alexa Raad: What’s Next in National Security?

July — To Your Independence: Entrepreneur Robin Wilson: What’s Next for Small Business Owners?

August — National Family Fun Month: Reality TV Celeb Brianna Ruelas: Who Doesn’t Want to be the Next Rock Star?

September — National Self-Care Awareness Month: Professional Soccer Player Johanna Lohman: What’s Next in Beauty

October — Domestic Violence Awareness Month: Filmmaker Tracy Schott, “Finding Jenn’s Voice:” What’s Next for the Awareness Movement

November — Laughing Your Way to Gratitude: Kelly McDermott: To Hell with What’s Next — What’s Now?

December — Wishing you a Glittering New Year: Fashion designer Laura Lee: What’s Next for Looking Fabulous?

January — Here Comes the Sun: Looking forward: Outro by Hope and Cynthia

Click here to pre-order the book: $25